Monday, November 10, 2014


Sooooo we were all transfered!! All 4 of us!!! Crazy right?? ANd 4 new sisters are coming to take our place!!!

I got transfered to Casqueiro and I will be with Sister Tabraj. She is cool!!! She is form peru/brazil so that is going to be fun!!! She got here when I was in my 2nd area so she´s been out for a while!!! I am excited to work with her in our new area. The same thing is happening there. 4 sisters are leaving and we and Sister Calleja and her new greenie are getting there. It is going to be a fun transfer!!!!!!!!!!
BUt AMAZINGNESS happened yesterday!!! Soooo, Gabriel was confirmed :D and Marcos passed the sacrament for the first time!! He did perfectly!!!!!!!! 

Also bishop had gone out for his birthday on Saturday and there were left overs and they thought, "i think Sister Peterson would enjoy this" they gave us barbeque ribs :D IT WAS SOO YUMMY!!!! haha
We made cookies this weekend with Michelle and Cauan and Mateus and it was super fun!! They loved them!!!
We also had Mormon Helping Hands where we had a bunch of free classes at the church but there was barely anyone, so we sent the youth out on the street to do contacts!! They are oging to be amazing missionaries!! We eneded up bringing in a bunch of people :D
Tuesday we had an amazing FHE with Marcos and Patrícia and Sandra and Alfredo Diz Diz. It was sooo much fun!!! We had great lessons and then we played PIT!! Haha good memories
MOnday we had zone p-day and it was SUPER FUN!!!! We played ping pong, played HORSE with a basketball and we played dodgeball with water balloons. It was a BLAST!!! haha good times :D
I´m trying to send pictures of everything :D haha
Love you all!!!!!
Remember to always look for the blessings in your life everyday :D

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