Oi people!! haha
So we had so funny things happen this week!!
Monday I bought all the ingredients to make cincinatti Chili and then we didnt have a pot big enough cause we left it at another apartment haha FAIL! But its all good ill make it sometimeee haha.
A phrase in English that all Brazilians know is The book is on the table. RANDOM RIGHT??? oh so funny everyone says this to me!! HAHA
Also as i continue to learn Portuguese I am learning the Brazilian ways. Speak what sounds prettier. BUt really. for example if you want to say in my prayers, the proper way is nas minhas orações. Butttt they say em minhas orações becasue its prettier haha. That´s literally the explination I got. Ha, i think it´s funny!!! Although its a bit difficult, I learn proper grammer when I study and then have to try to speak the grammer of the people when I talk. It really is getting better though. Everyone can understand me!!! AND IF (if is really important here hehe) i pay attention I can understand everything!! Until people start to talk about diseases or politics or something like that hahahah.
Oh so we were fasting the other day and we walked by this candy store and SIs. Rocha is like LETS buy candy!!! Um were fasting! haha but she wanted to buy something for another sister. So we walked in and there were like 5 different people talking to us, asking about our mission, the church. Oh it was so cool! Sometimes you have to do things that are a little different (walk into a candy stroe when you are fasting) to find the people you need to talk to!! it was a cool experience!
Sooo Renata is getting Baptized this Saturaday!! she is so awesome like literally. She was asking me what i missed and i said pretzels...i know random haha and shes like oh they sell soft pretzels in the shopping mall here!! We can´t go in (mission rules) but she went and bought us all soft pretzels!! It was the other sister´s first time trying it and oh it was wayyyy good!!! LOVE IT!! she´s a sweet heart, and she speaks English. PERFECT :)
We are working with some other people too, but they didn´t come to church
on Sunday :/ so we are going to work more with them this week to try to get them to church!!! But you wouldn´t believe who we saw at Church!! Idk if you rememebr but I talked about a yound man named Alex who lived in the states for 5 years and when he returned here he went inactive. Welll, this last week we wer visiting his grandma and cousin and he kind of avoided us. But. i walked out of the relief society room and im like oh that guy looks familiar. I did a DOUBLE TAKE!! literally. He was standing there!! So i walked up to him and im like HI, you´re here??? ANd he´s like yeah casue he promised us like 2 sundays ago he would come but he didn´t. He ended up leaving 10 minutes before church ended but he stayed for almost the whole time!!! He also came on no sleep...like he got home at
7am and church is at 9. But, it was good!!!! Still in shock that he was there.
But yeah this week was good!!! Ohhhh, i ate the tail of an ox for lunch yesterday...they were like oh just eat it first and we will explain afterwards. Tudo bem ahaha and they explained afterwards and I still didnt understand. Cause i don´t know the word TAIL in portuguese. But they know a little of English and said Tail do boi. Which is and ox´s tail. YUM haha it actually was really good. Just weird haha.
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